Our All-Sports program covers all sports focused on hand-eye coordination skills. Children will learn how to play multiple sports and enhance their overall motor skills needed to succeed within each sport.

Program includes:

• Baseball/Tee-ball

• Football

• Tennis

• Hockey

• Basketball

+ Exciting challenges & obstacles to promote athletic development!

Our Soccer program covers all topics related to soccer. Children will learn various skills & play creative games to enhance their overall skills to develop a solid foundation for their soccer journey.

Program includes:

• Learning the basics+

• 15+ introductory soccer skills

• Real games

• Positions

• Drills focused on different parts of the game

• Agility games & circuits

Interested in our programs? Tap the button below to fill out an interest form! As a newly inquiring school you have the option to schedule for a free demo class. All children attending your school will have the ability to try out our programs and experience the PESAKids fun!

Check out our Skills Tutorial Video below!